Lord, I apologize for my recent disgusting behavior. I sinned without feeling guilty. I told myself I had control over my flesh, but I started giving it more freedom. Lord, please keep your eyes on me because I know I will show you I’m more than just one of your creations. I don't want to be separated from you forever, but my thoughts are elsewhere. Lord, let me give you my life; let me praise your name without thinking about naked women; Lord, let me strive to show you that I am more than what people say or think of me. Lord, I know I can overcome any sin that comes my way because I have your helping hand to help me.
I have repented the same sin over again and again. Lord, please guide me in my journey, Lord; I am struggling with this sin. Lord, I don’t need friends because You are the only friend I need. I want to worship you and only you. I want to praise your name. I want to love you and only you, Lord. Also, I apologize for these disgusting memories. I thought I was doing this alone, but you've been with me the entire time. I wanted to be free from all worries and feel the presence of you, Lord; it’s time for me to stop playing games. I must start burning some bridges and building trust with you, Lord. When I'm worried, happy, or sad, I want to look up at the sky and smile, knowing I know what you’re doing, lord. I want to be able to smile as I spread your word. Lord, it’s been a while since I’ve spoken to you, and I want you to know that I love you. Please have your way with me and take over my mind, soul, and heart.
I want to pray till I can’t no more. I want to talk to you every day. I want to show the world you are more than just a father; you are Jesus, you are a friend, you are the holy spirit, you're the king of kings, Lords of Lords, you are the beginning and end, Lord I know you will protect me from evil spirits that try to come a haunt me Lord I strive to obey all of your commandments and live my life in your word because I would rather preach your word farther than going back into them evil habits of mine. Lord, let us forget the past and focus on the present. How will I try to worship you more, how will I keep you in my life, and how will I find peace within my mind? Lord, I want to pray more to you. I want to hear that beautiful voice of yours. I want to step deep into your words because it has been time for me to illuminate some people who are not spiritual and constantly know the Lord but still sin without remorse. Lord, I love writing about you and showing you that I am always with you, and I think writing about you has become one of my daily hobbies. I pray that my life becomes more apparent. I want to seek you out and find what to ask you. Lord, please bear with me because I love writing about you, even if the look on my face says otherwise.
I want to believe in my father. I stand by your words. I can never leave you or abandon you. I want to earn my fruit by getting to know you better. All I want to seek is the truth, so I must be brave enough to seek it. Lord, I have been tempted for too long. I don't associate with these unbelievers, but anyone can say they believe in the Lord, even the demons, so I choose to walk by faith and not by sight. Lord, I want a real relationship with you; I have Jesus’s blood on me. Lord, I don’t like parties anymore. I don't like cursing and lying. I would rather read the entire Bible than go back to my corrupt ways. Lord, I need you more than ever. I want to be attracted by your light. Lord, I never want to come back to this world. I want to live for God. I think you already know all my plans. Why should I talk to others about my problems when I can come to you, Lord? Why should I listen to demonic music when I have Christian music in my soul, Lord, when I know you are watching why I keep sinning more? The Lord has protected me for so long that the demons are afraid to come near. I want to give you all my worries and problems, my Lord.
Lord, I would prefer to be alone than to have a deceitful friend reveal his true colors later. Lord, I invite you to enter my life. Lord, I wish to praise you in private, as Matthew 6:6-7 says: When you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your unseen Father. Then, your heavenly Father will reward you for what is done secretly. When you pray, do not keep babbling like the pagans, for they believe they will be heard because of their many words. This is hope in the Lord, and I no longer want to be caught in the middle. I want to show the Lord I can be one of His elite soldiers. Lord, it flatters me that You won’t let me go, even if I mess up. Lord, all these painful memories must go, and I must overcome the flesh disrupting my life. I want to worship You and move away from small talk. Lord, I want to fulfill the will You have for me. My love for You isn’t new; it’s more potent than ever. Lord, I now want to correct my mistakes by striving to improve because I didn’t have as much faith in You as I do now, and I committed many sins while refusing to repent. I believe in pleasing the Lord and giving Him more time than ever. I am confident that I can achieve anything with You by my side. Lord, I love how I can please You. I want to continue to demonstrate how much I love You. Lord, I want to get my mind in order, eliminate useless thoughts, and focus on what truly matters. I want the fruits of the Spirit to blossom within me. Lord, I want to believe in You more than anything. I would rather have an index card filled with scripture to share with others than carry money in my pocket to give away.